

All items are sold "as is", and it is the responsibility of the buyer to ask any questions prior to purchase. Antique and vintage pieces may have imperfections or blemishes, which just add to their character. Please email scoutstudiosokc@gmail.com for additional information or photos and we are happy to provide! All sales are final. 



  • Shipping is calculated at checkout for "smalls", or items that can be easily mailed via USPS or UPS. 
  • For larger items that cannot be packed in a box, the price does not reflect shipping costs. Shipping prices vary from state to state, so we suggest contacting us for a shipping quote prior to purchasing. Please email scoutstudiosokc@gmail.com with your zip code for a custom quote. You may choose to purchase without confirming shipping costs, however you are still responsible for those costs.
  • At this time, we only ship to the US. We are still small, but hope to grow large enough to accommodate shipping globally.